


  • One out of every four students admits to being bullied during the school year, with 64% of these going unreported.1
  • 被欺负的学生是2.4 times more likely to report having suicidal ideations and 3.3 times as likely to report a suicide attempt versus their non-bullied peers.1
  • Cyberbullying or electronic bullying has a prevalence anywhere from 7 to 15% of youths.2

These numbers are the harsh reality and are even significantly higher with at-risk populations, such as the LGBT community or youths with disabilities.2 Cyberbullying poses an additional risk because it can occur at any time and any place where someone has access to the Internet.3 It is clear that bullying has become a serious public health concern and is no longer tolerated as a rite of passage in children. 幸运的是, with the recognition of bullying as such a high-priority issue, there are a number of resources to help minimize the risk of you or your child being a victim of bullying.


  1. "欺负的统计数据."媒体资料袋. N.p., n.d. 网络. 6月30日.
  2. Rivara, Frederick, and Suzanne Le Menestrel, eds. Preventing 欺凌 Through Science, Policy, and Practice. 代表. 华盛顿特区.C.:美国国家科学院,2016.
  3. Waseem, Muhammad, Mary Ryan, Carla Boutin Foster, and Janey Peterson. "Assessment and Management of Bullied Children in the Emergency Department.《儿科急诊护理.3 (2013): 389-98. 网络.


欺凌 has severe short- and long-term consequences to both the bully and the victim's health. Most notably psychosomatic complaints, such as headaches and stomach aches, are twice as likely to occur in a victim of bullying compared to their non-bullied peers. Often children will not feel comfortable admitting to their physician they are being bullied, so recognizing these complaints and being ready to ask open-ended questions is imperative.


  • 停止欺凌
    Stopbullying.政府 is a 政府ernment run website devoted to giving resources to all ages on effective bullying prevention strategies. They have very informative resources for teachers, parents, and pediatricians as well. 你可以在以下网址查看: stopbullying.政府

  • national center for bullying prevention
    The National Center for 欺凌 Prevention strives to promote awareness about bullying, while also teaching effective ways to respond to bullying. 欲知详情,请浏览: 溜蹄.org/bullying.

  • 杜绝欺凌行为
    杜绝欺凌行为 is a NY-based non-profit advocacy group working to reduce bullying and cyberbullying. They are devoted to spreading awareness and offering support to anyone in need. You can learn more at their website: stompoutbullying.org

  • 和平第一
    和平第一 is a national nonprofit that awards young students between the ages of 8 and 22 who display compassion, 勇气, 协作改变. 决赛选手将获得50美元奖金,000, two-year fellowship recognizing their peacemaking work, allowing them to further invest in their positive change. Find out more, and nominate a child today at peacefirst.org/challenge

  • national academies of science, engineering and medicine
    The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine sent out a 2016 collaborative report on bullying focusing on the context and scope of the problem, especially as it relates to the biological and psychological consequences. The consensus also includes helpful next steps for when bullying is observed. You can view their report in pdf form here: nationalacademies.org


Unfortunately there is no specific federal law against bullying, unless it is directly related to discriminatory harassment. New York State does have an anti-bullying law in place though, which covers cyber-bullying as well. The law includes bullying, harassment, intimidation, and more. View everything the policy covers here: stopbullying.政府 /法律


  • If you are ever experiencing bullying and need someone to call and talk to, please use the 24-hour help hotline for victims at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
  • www.stopbullying.政府 / get-help-now / also offers a plethora of resources depending on the specific problem you are facing.

网络site content developed by Nainita Madurai and Michelle Baker, 纽约州立大学上州医科学生, 2019届毕业生