

Kaushal B. 马里兰州Nanavati

To make an appointment to talk to someone about the 幸存者健康计划, please call:



After cancer treatments have been completed, people are often left with questions. 我应该找什么? 我应该吃什么? How do I make side effects from my cancer treatment better or easier to live with? 我能做些什么来保持健康? 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's Survivor Wellness Team can help answer these questions and more. The team works in conjunction with your existing healthcare providers to ensure communication and to create a wellness plan that works for you. 我们在此协助:

  • 与你的初级保健医生协调护理. 癌症诊断后,基本的医疗保健需求可能会发生变化.
  • 了解你的治疗方法及其后期效果
  • 遗传咨询
  • 解决你的心理健康需求
  • 评估生育问题
  • Fitness and nutrition counseling to improve the quality of life after cancer

北州的幸存者健康团队可以帮助你茁壮成长! A good place to start is incorporating core fundamentals of wellness into each day, 包括营养, 体育锻炼, 压力管理和精神健康. 阅读下面的内容来了解Dr. 纳纳瓦蒂的核心4健康基础.



请参阅“食物盘”(美国农业部 or 哈佛大学)作为指南或遵循此信息:

  • 每天吃7-9份蔬菜.
  • 1-2 servings of fruit daily (1 serving for diabetics earlier in the day or split into ½ serving twice a day).
  • 每餐蛋白质(最少10克). 豆类是蛋白质的主要来源. 如果你要吃肉,那就吃鱼、火鸡、鸡肉. 尽量吃有机的草饲肉. 少吃红肉,因为会增加某些癌症的风险. 避免加工肉类(冷盘),培根,香肠,火腿.
  • 谷物(燕麦、全谷物、大麦、藜麦等).
  • Nuts (walnuts and almonds are better for cholesterol than peanuts or cashews).
  • Dairy – primarily yogurt or smoothie/buttermilk (yogurt diluted with water).
  • 水是你的主要饮料. Limit juice (better to eat the fruit than to just have juice as eating the fruit gives some insoluble fiber that can help with bowel movement regularity and keep your intestines clean).

你把蔬菜装好之后,肉就上盘子了, 粮食, 豆子。, and fruit on the plate and placed the water and yogurt/buttermilk on the side.

面包、米饭、土豆、意大利面——午饭后不要吃这些. 晚餐应该是蔬菜, 蛋白质(主要是豆类或肉类,如鱼), 火鸡, 鸡肉按这个顺序排列), 坚果(杏仁, 核桃), 酸奶/酪乳和水.



每天锻炼30-60分钟,即使是快步走. 拿个计步器,然后步行;

  • 每天走一万步来维持体重.
  • 每天走12- 14000步来燃烧更多的卡路里.
  • 起床后的第一件事就是锻炼, 吃东西之前, will give you a better chance of fat burning for the same amount of time compared to other times of the day.

If you’re going to lift weights and do cardiovascular exercise as part of a workout, 然后在你伸展之后, 先做举重,再做有氧运动. 在有氧运动中, do an interval workout as this will lead to greater calorie burning and a higher metabolism for a longer time after you’re done versus going at the same pace.

  • Make sure to stretch after the workout as this is as important as stretching before to prevent injury. 也, get at least 10-15 grams of protein and not more than 20-25 grams within 30 minutes of finishing the workout as this will help with muscle recovery.
确保你做的事情是你喜欢的,可以经常做的. 太极拳是心灵最完整的形式之一, body, 精神强化和平衡运动系统. 选择你喜欢的!



Remember that there is only one person that can truly balance your life and that, my friend is YOU!


There are two kinds of stresses: things that you can do something about and things that you cannot control.


  1. Take a sheet of paper and make a list of all of the things that give you stress, 张力, 担心, 焦虑或担忧.
  2. 在第二张纸上画两栏. Label the first column "stress that I can do something about" and label the second column "stresses that I cannot control".
  3. Now take the list that you first made and sort out the list into the two columns on the second sheet.
  4. The stresses you cannot control will remain on the list until someone else takes care of them as you can do nothing about them (for example, 别人说什么或做什么. You can control what you say or do but you cannot control other people’s reaction to it or their expectations).
  5. 你能做的压力是你真正需要处理的! Take one item at a time and make a written ‘action’ plan to get it off your list and resolved. 当它完成后,把它从你的清单上划掉. This act of physically crossing it off will give you a sense of control over your stressors as well.


和平 & 满足

这个词可能会吓到一些人不再往下读. 但那将是你的损失. 这个词对很多人来说有很多含义. 我在这里把它定义为实现和平. 这个词, 和平, can mean different things to different people and you have to figure out what it means for you. Once you define it, make a plan to get to that place in your life where you have a sense of 和平. Then, and this is the important but tricky part, don’t let anyone get you out of this place. There will be give and take and you will have to figure out what is important and what is not so important to you.

呼吸练习: it is well known that deep slow abdominal breathing can do everything from reducing anxiety, 避免焦虑发作, 降低血压, 提高注意力和集中力. 10-12 minutes per day of deep breathing; breathe in through the nose for a count of 5-10. When you breathe in, your shoulders shouldn’t rise but your abdomen should push out. 当你呼气时,腹部会被吸回.




Our team works with your existing healthcare providers to create a wellness plan that works for you.

Kaushal Nanavati,医学博士 FAAFP, ABOIM, ABIHM, 是健康学院副院长兼综合医学主任 & Survivorship at 北州癌症中心 and an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University. Dr. Nanavati is also a motivational speaker and author with a passion for leading people toward improved wellness, 自我保健, 和生活的平静.

苏珊·蒂芙尼, BSN, RN, CCM, OCN, is the Survivorship Navigator at 北州癌症中心. Sue has worked in oncology for over 19 years and began her role at the 癌症中心 in December 2021. Prior to that, Sue was an Oncology Case Manager at 上州立大学医院.


By offering this evidence-based link we are by no means suggesting that you should use one or more of these herbal remedies, 作为预防或治疗, 因为你的健康状况. 如果你对这些疗法感兴趣, please speak with your Oncologist as there is limited data about herb-drug interactions and sometimes herbs can reduce effectiveness of your cancer therapy, 放大效果和潜在的副作用, 或者可能对你的健康有害. Your comprehensive cancer team will be able to help provide guidance for your choices to help optimize your overall health and health outcomes.