Yvonne with patient's mom

Survivor Wellness Program

Survivor Wellness Program
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电话: 315 464-5294

Our Survivor Wellness Program provides long-term, 后续护理, 到成年, for individuals who have received treatment for pediatric and adult malignancies.

治疗s such as radiation or chemotherapy can have long-term consequences. The Survivor Wellness Program (formerly KNOT clinic) educates patients about their disease and its treatment, promotes preventive medicine and provides ongoing consultation with the patients' primary care providers. The Survivor Wellness Program includes survivors treated for childhood cancers, as well as adult cancers.

We also strive to improve treatment of childhood cancers as well as management of long-term complications of therapy through clinical and laboratory research. As part of the national Children's Oncology Group, the staff networks with similar programs around the world. We are able to provide information gained from the most recent clinical studies, and also contribute to scientific knowledge by performing original research.