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Cancer cells grow and divide more rapidly than many of the normal cells around them. 高剂量的辐射可以杀死细胞或阻止细胞生长和分裂, and it has proven to be particularly effective in killing cancer cells and shrinking tumors. 尽管一些正常细胞会受到辐射的影响, most normal cells recover more fully from the effects of radiation than do cancer cells.


IMRT involves varying (or modulating) the intensity of the radiation (in this case, X-rays), 用于治疗癌症. It is a new form of radiation therapy that uses computer-generated images to plan and then deliver more tightly focused radiation beams to cancerous tumors than is possible with conventional radiotherapy. 有了这个功能, clinicians can deliver a precise radiation dose that conforms to the shape of the tumor, while significantly reducing the amount of radiation to surrounding healthy tissues. Consequently, the technique can increase the rate of tumor control while significantly reducing adverse side effects.


IMRT是目前最精确的放射治疗形式. 它允许医生提高对癌细胞的辐射剂量, and in some cases, 甚至更精确地定位到肿瘤内特定的代谢活跃区域, 同时尽可能降低对周围组织的剂量. An analogy might be painting with a paintbrush as compared to using an airbrush and masking tape to protect outlying areas. The airbrush allows you to deposit variable amounts of paint in a highly controlled fashion. IMRT与放射疗法类似.


目前,光子(x射线)被用来传递IMRT. 这种辐射是由一种叫做医用直线加速器的机器产生的. 这台机器大约有九英尺高, and nearly 15 feet long and can be rotated around the patient with great precision. Operationally, microwave energy, 类似于在卫星电视传输中使用的, 用来把电子加速到接近光速. 当它们达到最大速度时,它们与钨靶相撞, 然后释放光子, or X-rays. Very small beams with varying intensities can be aimed at a tumor from various angles to attack the target in a complete three-dimensional manner. 事实上,SmartBeam IMRT可以用2的光束传输.5 x 5毫米像素,铅笔尖大小,每个像素的强度不同. 我们的想法是将尽可能低的剂量输送到周围组织, 减少引起辐射副作用的机会, 同时向肿瘤输送最大剂量.


Many people, when they hear the word 'radiation,' think immediately of radioactive substances. However, no radioactive substances are involved in the creation of X-rays or electrons by a medical linear accelerator. When a linear accelerator is switched 'on,' radiation is produced and aimed directly at cancer cells. Then, like a flashlight, 当机器关机时, 没有更多的辐射——没有辐射被“储存”或“运输”.'

当一个人接受SmartBeam IMRT治疗时会发生什么?

SmartBeam IMRT treatment involves three basic steps: diagnosis, treatment planning and delivery. 作为诊断的一部分, physicians generate three-dimensional diagnostic images (usually CT or MRI) of the patient's anatomy and uses these to specify the dose of radiation each area will receive. In some cases, treatment planning includes a simulation session to further localize the cancer and finalize the radiation treatment plan.

患者根据不同的时间表接受SmartBeam IMRT治疗, 通常每周五天,持续六到七周. 每次治疗需要10到15分钟.


IMRT的过程类似于典型的放射治疗, and it depends, to some extent, 某医院的放射肿瘤学治疗方法. Typically, 在进行了身体检查和病史回顾之后, the radiation oncologist determines an individualized course of treatment for each patient.


大多数病例需要一个治疗准备阶段. Special molded devices that help the patient maintain the same position every day are sometimes developed at this point. Colored, 半永久性墨水通常用于在病人的皮肤上做记号, 协助将辐射设备对准目标区域. x光可用于准备治疗计划的CT扫描. The treatment preparation session might take from thirty minutes to an hour and the CT scan might take an additional 1530 minutes. CT扫描后,IMRT计划过程通常需要几天时间. When the plan is complete, the patient is given an appointment to begin radiation treatments.

Treatment Delivery

The first IMRT treatment session is sometimes longer than subsequent ones so that additional X-ray films and checks can be done. 一次典型的IMRT治疗持续约15分钟.

在治疗室, the radiation therapist uses the marks on the patient's skin to locate the treatment area. 病人躺在治疗台上. 有时,使用特殊的模压装置来帮助定位. Receiving external radiation treatments is painless, just like having an X-ray taken.

The radiation therapist leaves the treatment room before the machine is turned on. 这台机器是由附近区域控制的. 在电视屏幕上可以看到病人. 治疗师可以通过对讲机与病人交谈. 病人看不见或听不到辐射,通常也感觉不到任何东西. If a patient becomes uncomfortable, however, the machine can be stopped at any time.


A doctor who has had special training in using radiation to treat disease;a radiation oncologist prescribes the type and amount of treatment that best suits a particular patient's needs. The radiation oncologist works closely with other doctors and also head a highly trained health care team. This team often includes: 1) a radiation physicist who participates in the planning process and ensures that the machines deliver the right dose of radiation, 2) a dosimetrist, 谁和肿瘤学家和物理学家一起计划治疗, 放射治疗护士, who provides nursing care and helps patients learn about the treatment and how to manage the side effects, 4)放射治疗师, who sets the patient up for treatment and runs the equipment that delivers the radiation.


放射治疗通常每周进行五天,持续六到七周. When radiation is used for palliative care, the course of treatment last for two to three weeks. For each radiation therapy session, the patient is in the treatment room for about 15 to 30 minutes. 这些类型的时间表, 哪些人每天使用少量的辐射而不是大剂量的辐射, 帮助保护治疗区域的正常身体组织. 周末休息可以让正常细胞恢复. The total dose of radiation and the number of treatments a patient needs depend on the size and location of the cancer, type of tumor, 病人的总体健康状况和其他因素.


External radiation therapy does not cause a patient's body to become radioactive. 患者不必因为治疗而避免与其他人在一起. Even hugging, kissing, or having sexual relations with others poses no risk to them of radiation exposure.

Side effects of radiation therapy most often are related to the area that is being treated. 大多数副作用都发生在放射治疗期间, although unpleasant, 不严重,可以通过药物或饮食控制吗. 它们通常在治疗结束后的几周内消失. 使用SmartBeam IMRT,一些患者根本没有副作用.

瓦里安的SmartBeam IMRT与其他形式的放射治疗有何不同?

瓦里安的SmartBeam IMRT的主要优点是精度和速度.

The system achieves a very high resolution and therefore maximizes tissue sparing. 使用SmartBeam IMRT, a computerized tool called a multileaf collimator (MLC) shapes the beam in accordance with the optimized treatment plan. 瓦里安提供当今市场上分辨率最高的MLC, 一种可以在很小的区域内注射独特剂量的药物.

此外,瓦里安的SmartBeam IMRT速度很快. 病人每次只被定位一次,而不是多次. The multileaf collimator eliminates the need for clinicians to enter and leave the treatment room numerous times to insert and remove lead beam-shaping blocks. Also, 瓦里安提供唯一完全集成的硬件套件, software, 以及提供SmartBeam IMRT治疗的支持服务. 因为瓦里安系统是完全集成的, information can be moved electronically and seamlessly from one part of the process to the next.
